What is wedding photojournalism? It’s a way of shooting a wedding and telling the story by photographing in a non invasive, natural style, there is less posing, staging or manipulating. That being said no wedding can be photograph entirely in a photo journalistic style and those photographers who claim so are far from being truthful to their clients and themselves. As a matter of fact wedding photojournalism has become so popular in the recent years that many photographers who have a more conventional style now claim to be photojournalists. I met professionals who worked as photographers for newspapers and later on made the transition to wedding photography, that does not mean they can all become successful wedding photographers and that because wedding photography takes a different mind set and approach.
The beauty of wedding photojournalism is that is gives you the ability to create some of the moments and make it look as natural as it can be, you can hold the father of the bride outside the door a few moments longer so she can get ready before the father steps in , you can have the bride positioned in the best light available before she puts her dress on. There are many more examples like this and while as a photographer you are somewhat interfering by doing all this, the moments captured don’t show it in any way.
There is more to say about the subject, for those of you who are interested I will be presenting a workshop at The Wedding Library in Reno on August 10th. The workshop will be about the difference between good and bad wedding photography and I will try to educate brides on different aspects of wedding photography. I will post more information about it here on my blog shortly.
The images bellow are from Lindsey and Ryan’s wedding a few weeks ago in South Lake Tahoe.